This Institution is known for imparting qualitative education with emphasis on personality building programmes followings modern ways, Struggling with modern hard and fast life, parents are experiencing their inability to teach their wards due to the difficult and advanced syllabus and lack of sufficient time. On the other hand, it is not possible for the students to concentrate their studies of formal education due to the availability of various recreational sources, Overburdening of the text books and Examination based educational system are dominating their health and personality. All round development of physique, character and personality is the growing need of time.
The system of this institution is established to co-ordinate between Home and School, to nurture the healthy development of raw mind. The unique feature of this system is its disciplined and well balanced programme from morning "Prarthana" to evening session of games. The education system of Scholars Public School is a blend of the rich Hindu/Vedic Heritage and the Modern Education system with orientation towards science and technology. |